I love my Airpods. They’re like my trusty sidekicks that are always by my side, even in the bathroom. I mean, who needs privacy when you’ve got tunes to jam to? My obsession with these little earbuds knows no bounds, I use them for everything – working, working out, and yes, even working on the throne. It’s safe to say I have a serious case of Airpod addiction.

But alas, tragedy struck when I took my love affair with my Airpods to the next level – the toilet. I carelessly dropped them into the toilet bowl. And to make matters worse, I accidentally flushed! I was devastated, heartbroken, and now, in a plumbing emergency.

But fear not, I am a problem solver. I tried a few solutions to fix my toilet and get my Airpods back to their former glory. My first couple of tries were, let’s just say, less than successful. However, I eventually got my toilet and Airpods working again.

Here is what to do after I dropped my Airpods in the toilet:

Turn off the water

Have you dropped your Airpods in the toilet? Fear not, there’s a solution to this crisis! You gotta turn off that water supply ASAP! Because when those Airpods hit the water, they become little floaters. If you don’t stop that water flow, they’re gonna swim away.

Picture it, your Airpods are like a tiny swimmer in the toilet, being chased by the water stream like a scene from “Jaws”. Instead of a shark, it’s your expensive headphones. And we all know nobody wants that drama.

How do we fix this mess? It’s simple. Just find the valve behind the toilet and turn it clockwise.


So you thought a plunger or plunging snake would be the perfect solution for retrieving your Airpods from the toilet, huh? Sure, the rationale behind using a plunger or snake makes sense – suck out the water and the Airpods will come with it, right? Wrong.

The plunger is like a tornado in your toilet, swirling around and making the clog even more stubborn. Let’s not forget the added danger of splashing water and potential sewage everywhere. You’re creating a mess everywhere.

The moral of the story: don’t trust a plunger to solve all your clogged toilet problems.


Have you heard of the “magnetic solution” for retrieving Airpods from the toilet? The idea is simple. You take a magnet and try to fish out those little buggers from the porcelain throne. Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong! The problem with this method is that Airpods aren’t magnetic. I mean, sure, the case might be, but those little earbuds themselves? Not a chance.

What happens when you try to use a magnet? You end up making a bigger mess and splashing water everywhere. And trust me, you don’t want water and toilet germs all over your hands and bathroom. That’s just asking for trouble.

Save yourself the trouble and don’t even bother with the magnet. It’s a hopeless cause. Stick to professional advice and call in the experts. And by experts, I mean plumbers. Let them handle the dirty work.


If you’ve dropped your Airpods in the toilet, don’t panic. Just pick up that phone and call a plumber. These professionals are like the knights in shining armour of the plumbing world. They have the tools, the know-how, and most importantly, experience. 

The plumber can assess the situation and determine the best course of action. Maybe they can retrieve your Airpods for you, or maybe they need to take apart the toilet. Don’t try to fix the issue yourself. Think about it. Do you want to be messing around with the toilet and the plumbing, risking a bigger mess and potentially clogging it even more? No, no, no. Leave it to the professionals. The professionals will take care of everything, and your Airpods might even make it out alive.

How to fix your Airpods

Let’s check if your Airpods are still jammin’! Give them a quick listen, and if you hear any strange noises or static, it’s time to say goodbye to those cuties. You might experience some common problems after a bathroom blunder with your Airpods. Decreased sound quality, connectivity issues, nobody wants to talk to themselves with a delay! 

If they sound fine, it’s time to give them a good scrub. You can remove any debris and clean the speaker mesh. Iif you’re not confident in your cleaning skills, it might be better just to get a new pair