Sometimes, it doesn’t take much to suspect that something is wrong in a relationship. If your spouse hides their phone, bought a second phone for no reason, suddenly starts staying late at work, or always seems distant around you, it could be a sign that they are cheating on you.

But how can you tell for sure? If you confront them and ask them if they are cheating, they will obviously not tell you, unless their lies are a heavy burden on their conscience.

Before you start yelling at your spouse or asking for a divorce, you should do what you can to make sure they are really cheating on you. Hiring a private investigator is a great way to help you collect evidence professionally. In addition, you can do a little sleuthing with technology to uncover the truth about your partner.

Here are some of the best ways to catch a cheater online and use technology to help you discover the truth:

1. Check your spouse’s phone

If you suspect that your spouse might be cheating on you, the first thing you might want to do is check their phone to see who they have been calling, or sending text messages to recently.

However, there is a possibility that your spouse could have locked their phone to make sure you can’t access it. If their phone is locked, it might be a good indication that they have something to hide, especially if they have never locked it before.

2. Stalk their social media accounts

Another best way to catch a cheater is to stalk their social media accounts. If you can’t access your spouse’s phone, you won’t be able to see if they have been chatting with someone suspicious on social media. However, stalking their social media accounts could still reveal some clues that could allow you to clarify the situation.

For example, their Facebook or Instagram account could show you tagged photos, comments, or online friends that could confirm your suspicions, and make you realize that they are spending a lot of time with someone who isn’t you.

3. Pay attention to your spouse’s search history

When someone has something to hide, they will probably make sure to clear their search history if they have been searching for something they don’t want their spouse to know about.

If your spouse’s search history is erased regularly, there is still a way you can check if they have been searching for something suspicious.

Google, for example, can guess what you are searching for based on what you have been searching for recently. You could type every letter of the alphabet one by one in Google’s search bar to find out if your spouse has recently been searching for a dating site, or for someone’s home phone number.

4. Spy on your spouse’s email account

If you share an email account with your spouse, they are certainly not using it to contact someone they could be cheating on you with. But if your spouse has their own email account, and you have access to it, you could find some incriminating evidence in their email inbox.

Maybe they will have erased suspicious emails, but you might be able to find digital receipts for restaurants or hotels you have never been to with them, or for expensive gifts you know were not meant for you.

5. Check if your spouse uses a cloud service

Your spouse could be using a cloud service to store and share photos and videos that they don’t want you to see.

If you do manage to spy on their email account, you might find out that they have an account with a cloud service. It could be an account they are using for work, but it could be something else entirely.

6. Try to locate your spouse’s phone

Have you ever used the Find My iPhone service, or typed “Find my Phone” into Google’s search bar to find your phone after misplacing it?

If you are familiar with this type of location technology, you could use it to locate your spouse’s phone. Whenever they tell you that they are working late, but you suspect that something else might be going on, locate their phone to figure out where they truly are spending the evening.

7. Verify the location history of your spouse

Alternatively, you might be able to verify the location history of your spouse through their phone. GPS technology is often keeping track of the locations we visit, and your spouse’s location history could reveal that the business trip they told you they were going on was truly an excuse to go spend the weekend at someone’s home.

8. Use a phone monitoring app

Finally, if you can’t find any evidence, but you still suspect that something is going on, you could use a phone monitoring app to spy on your spouse.

This app will easily tell you who your spouse called or texted, where they went, and what they have purchased.

Catching a cheater can be an emotional challenge, but knowing the truth is better than living a lie and pretending that everything is fine when you know, deep inside, that it might not be the case.