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An office is a place where people spend most of their day, and they see their colleagues as another family. It is very important to make this space more pleasant and more practical so that the work you deal with is easier and more advanced. If you have an office that you want to improve, make sure to read our list of office supplies every office needs. Also, if you still don’t have one, but you plan to establish it, or to start running a small business, some pieces of advice from this article will be of a great use. On the other side, if you run a small business that involves sending people out into the field and it has reached the point where you are overwhelmed and disorganized, you definitely need more than office supplies – you need a field service management software. To go back to the topic, there must be the points during your office hours when you need some of the office’s essential supplies, but you cannot find them, as you have not been organized enough to get them before. This is why we made this list – to remind you of all essential things a successful office needs to have and to make your working time easier. Let’s start.

  1. Stapler

This small and useful device that is used join pages of paper or similar material by driving a thin metal staple through the sheets and folding the ends is something that you definitely cannot live without in your office, especially if you deal with lots of paperwork.

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  1. Staples

What is the use of a stapler if you don’t have staples in your office? It is why you should make sure to have a bunch of them, and whenever you see there are just a few packs of them, make sure to get more.

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  1. Stapler remover

For sure, it will happen sometimes that you join two wrong pages together, so don’t force it, and remove it with a stapler remover. This is also a very useful thing for your office.

Pixabay/Public Domain
  1. Scissors

You never know when will you need scissors, but it is always good to have them, so don’t forget to buy them for your office.

Pixabay/Public Domain
  1. Box cutter

If you receive mail in boxes in your office, you will definitely need a box cutter. This thing is also known as a Stanley knife, working utility knife, X-Acto knife, or by various other names.

Pixabay/Public Domain
  1. Paperclips (small, medium, large)

If you don’t find joining pages with staples, paperclips are always a great idea, in various sizes. They are quite practical in terms of not ruining the paper, but still joining the important pages together.

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  1. Clear cellophane tape

This is a very useful tape, as it adheres to a wide variety of surfaces. It is useful to have it everywhere, and especially in your office.

Pixabay/Public Domain
  1. Sticky notes (small, medium, large)

Sticky notes are quite important for an office, especially if you don’t have a habit of using digital reminders. You may use them to remind yourself of some important things and dates, but also as reminders and notes for your coworkers.

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