Riding a high-powered e-bike at high speed can expose you to grave danger. To stay safe on the road, below are a few dangerous mistakes you should avoid:

1. Applying Excess Throttle from a Dead Stop

Don’t apply too much throttle when an e-bike is stationary. Applying full power at a dead stop is the main cause of accidents among electric bikes. Always ensure the throttle and the controllers are set properly to keep them from twitching. Make sure you choose switches with distinct levels of power use. Further, apply throttle only when the e-bike is in motion.

2. Avoid Twisting a Parked Bike’s Throttle unless It’s Switched Off

Twisting the throttle of a parked bike without confirming if it is on is a common mistake most riders make. It’s hard to tell if an e-bike is on or off since it is always silent. Incidences of twisting the throttle when the e-bike is on is a major cause of minor injuries and property damage. Always switch off your electric bike when not in use. Consider buying an e-bike with a half-grip throttle, preferably with a thumb throttle.

3. Failure of the Front Hub Motor Fork

Don’t ignore a failing front hub motor fork; it can cause a bad accident. Always make sure your bike front wheel hub uses properly fixed torque arms. Avoid using the front wheel drive with suspension forks. Make sure a professional install your front-wheel drive hub motors. Avoid using high-powered motors in the front wheels.

4. Mishandling of Lithium Batteries

Mishandling of lithium batteries is the main cause of e-bikes fires, especially when charging. Homemade lithium batteries increase cases of fire breakouts. Unless you have to, avoid using home-built lithium batteries. Always use approved batteries. Don’t overcharge or over-discharge your battery to increase its lifespan. Moreover, protect your battery by safely enclosing it in a metal box while riding.

5. Bearings Locking up When the E-Bike Is in Mid Drive

For e-bikes with powerful mid drives, if the bearings lock when the bike is in motion, the pedals rotate at full speed, knocking off the rider’s shin and causing the bike to crash. Incidences of these type of e-bike accidents are rampant.

6. Silently Overtaking Pedestrians and Pedal Bicyclists at a High Speed

E-bikes, specifically hub motor powered ones, move silently. Always make sure pedestrians and pedal cyclists are aware of your passing from a reasonable distance. It alerts them you are fast approaching so they don’t make unexpected maneuvers. It also gives you enough time to make the right decision and in the process avoid an accident.

7. Lack of Concentration While Riding

Don’t forget you’re on road. Always maintain focus and be careful not to do anything that could harm you and other road users. To the innocent onlooker, an e-bike may appear harmless at its speed. To arrive safely, always maintain maximum concentration while riding your e-bike.

8. Throttle Stuck In Vast Open Position

If you don’t have an emergency cut-off or brakes capable of stopping your e-bike’s rear wheel, things can get very bad when the bike is at maximum power and the wide open throttle (WOT) gets stuck. This can cause a serious accident.

9. Failing to Obey Traffic Signals

Failing to obey traffic signals such as stoplights is very risky. E-bikes have higher speeds than normal pedal bicycles, a factor which increases the risk of accidents. Don’t ignore traffic signals since they keep you and your bike safe.

10. A High-Speed Conversion Bike Is Not Made For High Speed

Don’t speed beyond 30mph when going down a hill. Going beyond the set speed risks your life as a rider and those of others on the road. Stay within the speed limit; avoid taking chances with your life.

Riding an electric bike is an exciting experience. However, it can be dangerous if one is not careful.